Monday, June 15, 2009

Back Yard Update

I realize this isn't interesting to anyone else but it provides me with a place to chronicle progress (or its lack) on our grow boxes and flower beds. Someday I hope to have some flowers in blossom all through the season, besides the marigolds. By recording pictures and notes I can get an idea of what blossom when and where there are empty spots in the garden and in the flowering schedule. I know I sound like such a Rasmussen, but I see that as a good thing!

Here's a picture of our grow boxes on May 13. (click on pics to enlarge)
Here's what the far one looks like today, June 15. I can't believe the growth. I counted 5 Roma tomatoes already set on. We may actually have tomatoes to eat this year. I think we had fewer than 10 last year (not counting the cherry tomatoes). We have already harvested some of the baby spinach and lettuces in the front squares. Just on the other side of the tomatoes are sweet peppers and 2 different types of eggplant. I hope we like eggplant!

The next picture is of the same grow box only from the other end. You can see how big the potato plants, cabbage & broccoli are. I think I better cut off some of those big, outside leaves of the cabbages.
The picture below shows 2 of the tomatoes - still small, but growing! In the same square is a Walla-Walla onion, a marigold and a nasturtium. All are supposed to be good companion plants for tomatoes. For me a garden is all about the tomatoes, everything else is just icing on the cake. Nothing better than homegrown tomatoes. The radishes are ready to harvest. Our temps have been below normal - usually less that 70 degrees and overcast. That's been great for the radishes and peas. It's suppose to warm up later this week which will be good for the tomatoes. I've loved the coolness, but others grumbled because it doesn't feel like summer.

In the picture with the radish (the middle grow box) you can see one of the squares where my carrots didn't grow, although they did in the square just below! Have since planted bush beans in that square (and 2 others). The other plants are beets. I made some roasted beet soup earlier this year that was to die for, so I'm planning on lots of beets for roasting.

I came up with the idea to plant peas in two hanging planters. That way when the hot days arrived we could move them into the shade to keep them cooler. I pictured the vines hanging down over the edge and I'd just pick a few while I was reading on the patio. Here's one of the baby peas on May 5.

The vines didn't fall over the side and seeds in the side holes didn't all sprout and we'll probably only get 15 peas from each pot so I wouldn't call this idea a big success. Live and learn.

This last picture is a banana pepper with a serano pepper behind it. You can see the little tops of the green onions between the two. Those huge leaves in the background are broccoli. Feed me, Seymour!


Myke Weber said...

I'm in shock at how well everything is growing. That system really really works! The green salad last night was fabulous and the radishes are the best! Can't wait for the tomatoes to ripen!

I'm so very glad we did this!

julie said...

I'm so impressed with how well your garden is growing! What a difference a month makes. I totally agree with you about home-grown tomatoes; they are definitely the reason for the season...or something like that. :)

Happy Gardening!

Thoughts of Joy said...

This blog looks beautiful, too! And that garden - WOO! That's an impressive garden. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. :)

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Love the boxes. I want to do this next year.